The most expensive medicine in the world price of $ 15 million and should be addressed and only death

بواسطة : الجواد المضمر بتاريخ : 9:56 ص
The most expensive medicine in the world price of $ 15 million and should be addressed and only death
It is the most expensive medicine in the world price of $ 15 million called Soliris, which sounds like the name of the flower which is a dangerous drug that should be eaten the patient so that he could continue in life where he is fighting a rare and deadly disease or death in the event of not taking.

It is a rare chronic blood disease that can lead to renal failure and associated increased risk of death and stroke.

Although its price is very expensive, the National Health Service in Britain and known characters decided that the NHS by providing free of charge to more than 200 patients with this dose will cost about $ 130 million each year.

As well as the drug known as Eculizumab,It is the only Healer drug after the divine miracle of disease doctors call it a strange name paroxysmal nocturnal hemolobinuria, it is a disease that has to do with enuresis disease which kills red blood cells and each dose costs more than half a million dollars a year.

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